Monday, November 23, 2009

Cliche' Cliche', What can I say?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It's an old cliche', but what can I say? It's true.

As I sat on my bed looking at skinny women on T.V. and looking at pictures of a thinner, perkier me on facebook, I decided that I needed to get fit. My passion drove me to start a blog and go down stairs and work out immediately.

...And I did alright, for a while. But, with no concrete workout or meal plan, I've failed to maintain the same discipline and focus that drove me to take action just a few short days ago.

I've eaten some things I shouldn't have eaten (well, more than some, a lot) over the past few days simply because I'm not disciplined and have no clear marked course or plan of action. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm so far gone from the whole healthy lifestyle concept that I've really convinced myself that a few less potato chips and a few more trips up the steps will be enough to cause a drastic change in my appearance.

Well, reality has set in. Pizza and wings after working out for an hour will not get me back into a size 4 anytime soon.

As I look ahead at the journey before me, I realize that it's not a straight clear path; unless I've got a map...


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