Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Excuses are useless...

Like many of us, I've found myself being busy with holiday business over the past few weeks. Planning and attending parties and family meals, serving the less fortunate in the community and buying gifts for loved ones near and far reminds me of how happy I am to be a Christian in this country. Though the hustle and bustle is exciting and fun, it can be a bit distracting and it's easy to get "caught up" in the merriment without looking at the big picture and keeping personal goals in mind.

So, today, I'm taking time to look at the big picture. Though the last few weeks have been filled with joy and relaxation, I have much work to do in the year ahead. Knowing that I must take life step by step, I've decided not to make traditional "resolutions". Instead, I am declaring this year MY YEAR!

I have but two goals in mind (notice I didn't say resolution). Setting goals means there's a plan in mind. My plan is a very simple one.

My goals: 1. To submit each decision in my life to the will of the Lord
2. To care for myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically like never

My plan: To be a woman of my word. Period.

I've made so many promises to myself, to family, to friends and to God that I've either broken or simply let fall by the way side. Not this year. I'm going to be honest with myself, and my loved ones and stop making excuses.

I've tried being the pilot, and co-pilot of my life. What I've realized is that my back seat driving is getting me nowhere. So, I'm turning control back over to the giver of life. He has control anyway, so no need to fight Him on it! I'm just mad it took me this long to realize it!!!

I hope that everyone has a blessed, prosperous, healthy year! Please continue to follow me on this journey.

I will be writing A LOT more and even adding PICTURES as I make progress. What I won't be adding is BS! LOL!

Love, peace and blessings!


Monday, December 7, 2009

A picture's worth 1000 words

We've all heard the saying. It's another one of those cliches that we all hear and repeat without thinking much of it. However, the other day, I thought about just how true this statement really is...

I attended homecoming at Norfolk State University with two of my closest friends, and then went back to UT for my own homecoming. I had a blast hanging with my girls and of course there's nothing like being around my beautiful Sorors!

I was on a high for days and then...the pictures started popping up.

Though others have tried to convince me that I don't look "that big" or I look "fine" I know the truth.

Those pictures are more than just evidence that I have let myself go. These pictures are a chapter in the story of my life.

I'm blessed and I know it. I'm not going to take credit away from God or downplay what He's done for me by dwelling on my physical appearance and weight. But, with all of the successes of the past 4 years, there have been quite a few painful moments.

I've loved, and lost. I've succeeded and I've failed miserably. I've acheived major goals, and I've run smack dab into unsuspected set backs. My weight has gone up and down right along with life's roller coaster.

As I've lived my life, I never stopped to think about the fact that I used food to cope with the disappointments. I've partied my way through life's pitfalls, eating and drinking myself out of saddness and depression. I guess that would've been okay if I were hitting the gym as well ;)

You know, I could erase these pictures, but the truth will still remain. Just like words written on a page and then erased; once they've been written, they are there. You can rip it up and pretend it never happened and destroy any evidence that you ever thought or felt the words you wrote. But the author knows the truth.

So, instead of hiding from the truth and getting angry at the turn the plot has taken, I as the co-author of the story of my life will simply end this chapter. No more pictures that serve as evidence of my past tucked beneath extra body mass. I've consulted with the author, and He says it's okay to move on now...
