Monday, July 16, 2012

Opinions count (You ain't gotta lie to kick it)

Many people say they don't care what other people think of them. People even tell others not to care about other people's opinions. Well, I haven't done any "official" research (maybe I will one day) but I don't think people are being truthful when they say they don't care about the opinion of others. After all, when someone says something positive about us, we have no problem accepting that opinion. Could it be that there is a bit of truth to the negative opinion... hmmmm...

More than a year ago, I wrote about a member of my church family making an unnecessary comment about my being bigger than my mother. I continue to say that was an unnecessary comment because it was something I already knew and accepted. I had just made a comment about my weight, 15 seconds before this person made the comment. However, there are times when someone says something that we don't like, don't want to accept, but know deep down in our hearts to be true.

I guess my point is an advisory one. Don't be so quick to reject a statement just because its not praise. It is true that we shouldn't let the opinions of others ruin our self esteem or inhibit our goals.Someone calling another person "stupid" or "ugly" is ridiculous and no person should believe such comments. However, as intelligent human beings, we know when someone is saying something we know is for our benefit but maybe doesn't feel good registering in the brain.

When it comes to my weight, I don't appreciate people calling me fat or saying things about how much bigger I am than I used to be. These comments are unnecessary because it's simply stating the obvious. However, when someone I love comments about my health or an outfitt looking less than flattering, it is hard to hear, but necessary.

I am challenging myself and my friends and family to think about the last time someone made a comment that you verbally rejected but internally knew had some merit. What made you resist? Fear of  failure or worse, fear of success? Fear of loss of control? Fear of change? I know I've resisted for each of those reasons at one time or another. But, God has not given us a spirit of fear. If there's an area that needs change for the better, why not change it? The most important opinion is that of God and yourself. So, step it up;  not for the sake of others but for yourself!
By the way, since this is a fitness blog, I should mention that I had my first training session in more than a year with my friend and personal trainer Trinity of Train with Trin, LLC today! My body resisted, but this is one time resistance is not going to win! Can't wait to share the results with everyone!

Loving myself enough to accept the truth,


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