Saturday, March 13, 2010

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade without white sugar

So, I haven't blogged in over two months. Those of you who would assume, based on that fact, that I haven't been doing so well with my diet and work out plan would be right.

If this whole lifestyle change thing is going to work I have to be transparent and honest with myself and with others. Afterall, the evidence of my success or failure is obvious.

Life has handed my family and me quite a few lemons over the last two years. Though I continue to look towards the Hills and count my blessings, I can't lie; things have been rough. Though I often smile and act as though things are okay, I often secretly retreat into my cave with a movie and a bag of potato chips.

So, consider this blog entry me admitting to my shortcomings and confronting the crap that is my love, financial and physical life head on. Life has handed me quite a few lemons (some of them I picked myself) and I've been making lemonade with way too much sugar in it, literally.

They say the first step to fixing the problem is admitting that there is one. Well, I have a problem, several of them actually. Now it's time to drink the lemonade straight.

Here's to pushing away from the table and getting back in the game.


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