Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is going to hurt...

So, I haven't written in several months. One would deduce that I have not been committed to my weight loss and exercise plan; that one would be correct.

A friend of mine put me on some referral list, leaving me vulnerable to receive the obnoxious, harassing phone calls from some trainer, trying to make quota. About two weeks ago, the trainer called me for the 4th time but for some reason, I answered and agreed to visit the gym.

I toured the gym, looking at the different facilities, equipment and list of classes. There was nothing too unusual or out of the ordinary and to be honest; I wasn't super impressed. I sat down and talked with the trainer. He offered me a very reasonable deal and I thought, "okay, what the heck". I agreed to take the free workouts and the "school educators" rate.

Then, the personal trainer manager came over to talk to me and tried to push personal training sessions on me. I repeatedly turned her down, finally saying that she was wasting her time and mine. I was proud of myself for being so firm. I left feeling like I'd accomplished something.

I came back for my free initial assessment with the trainer manager. She took my weight, which was 10 pounds heavier since June (thanks summer vacay) and began putting me through a strength training work out. I was sore and sweaty. I hadn't felt that wonderful in years.

After the work-out, I agreed to see a trainer one a week. I hadn't planned on doing that, and I certainly hadn't planned on paying for it. But, when I thought about how sluggish I feel after eating a heavy fattening meal, how much money I waste on eating out, happy hour-ing and socializing, and how I have to buy new clothes because I go up a size twice a year, I think the money is going to be well worth it.

Sure, it's going to hurt a little bit. I may miss some social functions and my diet may not be as "fun" as it used to be. I'm most certainly going to be sore and to be completely transparent, I hate working out. However, the pain is such an awesome feeling. I know it doesn't sound rational, but after gaining and losing weight for 5 years, it's time to get a little irrational.

Feels like the first time,